The Only Language That Matters to Empaths


As an empath, someone who can sense and experience the emotional states of others, the law of vibration makes perfect sense. I’ll get back to the law of vibration in a couple of paragraphs below.

But, first let’s remember that everyone is in constant communication with the Universe/God.  One way is through dialogue with other people; a.k.a the Universe/God. When the average person communicates with other people, they’ll focus on 2 forms of communication; spoken language and body language. It’s common for people to ignore the most significant means of transferring and receiving information; energetic language. When you’re speaking with the universe or an highly developed empath, only one language truly matters: Your Signature Energetic Language.

What is a Signature Energetic Language? 

The energy you’re emitting out is your signature energetic language. As empaths, we can sense everyone’s energy (signature energetic language). One person sends you energy that attracts your energy, while another person’s vibe repels you and drains your energy. This form of language is always occurring. It does not stop. Look at it like two people using spoken language, but the dialogue just keeps going, even after you leave the person’s presence. It doesn’t matter how many thousands of miles you may or may not be from a person, this interaction always continues.

Nobody can escape their SEL or the information it is giving freely to everybody. To a highly aware person, the vibrational frequency of an individual tells them everything they need to know about a person or situation. At will, they are able to tap into somebody’s SEL, to receive information, even if they’ve passed away! Everybody’s SEL is unique and has a unique effect on reality. If you’re wondering what kind of vibration or SEL you or another person is consistently putting out; simply look no farther than at the circumstances of your or their life. Patterns in careers, relationships, and health show us the quality of the energetic language anyone is emitting. We can’t forget the mirror effect life has on us.

What is The Law of Vibration?

The law of vibration states that everything and everyone is vibrating and emitting frequencies that attract and repel one another. Your house, car, desk, and your body are emitting energy every second. The catch here is, the energy you’re emitting attracts equivalent energy via responses in people, the opportunities you’re presented with, the abundance or lack of resources you’re exposed to, the quality of your relationships, and your overall circumstances. You, the soul that is driving your vehicle (your body), is emitting magnetic energy that is effortlessly pulling your future self and circumstances into your existence (be it negative or positive).

If you want to change any area of your life, Your only focus should be to increase the quality of your signature energetic language. If you increase your SEL, you will increase the quality of relationships and circumstances you attract into your reality. It sounds too simple to be true, but myself and thousands of others have tried this same strategy and it works! Change your energy and it will change your life. It’s the only idea that every great mind, whomever walked the planet agreed upon; if we change ourselves we will change our lives. Look at your life closely and as a whole, and you will begin seeing how the patterns of your life mirror the patterns of your energy. Your circumstances are messages and clues to what parts of yourself needs more discipline and healing.

Why is The Energetic Language The  Only Language That Matters to Empaths and the Universe/God?

Empaths, whom have highly developed abilities can sense the truth in 99.9% of circumstances. Most people will hear what the person is saying (spoken language), and notice their body language, but are numb to sensing the intangible energetic truth, which is oozing off of everybody and every situation. This creates a disconnect amongst the empath and other people who use mostly spoken language and body language as their way of receiving streams of information.  

Just like the Universe, Empaths sense the truth, but unlike the universe, empaths either act accordingly or suppress more of their own truth by trying to protect somebody or something outside of themselves. By suppressing their truth, they still feel pain because they can’t escape the feeling of “knowing that they know.” They possess the uncanny double edge sword of sensing energy in the same way a well disciplined dog can read the intangible energies that permeate the ether. In the end, the old cliche wins “the truth will set you free.”  

The universe/God on the other hand, simply acts accordingly, EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Whatever your vibration is emitting at the deepest level, the Universe/God sends the same vibration back to you through people, the messages around you, and can be “hidden” in your ordinary daily routine. Once you become aware of the messages, you’ll begin seeing them everywhere. They will show up in the commercials you’re watching, songs/music you’re listening to, in the printed messages you’re exposed to, as feelings of inspiration and hunches, images in your minds eye, and even in your food or beverages! This is the Universe/God’s way of communicating back to you through the energetic language that connects us all. (I’ll elaborate more this specific topic in one of my next blogs/vlogs.)

The patterns of your life and the messages from people and everything in your life are guiding you into the next level of your spiritual journey.  Ride it like a wave and allow yourself to shed old beliefs that are holding you back, simply by living in your truth. The Universe/God a.k.a everyone and everything is on your side waiting for you to align your energies and increase the quality of your Signature Energetic Language: the only language that matters to empaths and the Universe/God.

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