5 Reasons Why Empaths Need To Stop People Pleasing


People pleasing is draining you of your most vital resources; attention and energy. We want to eliminate the low energies of acting out of guilt, and saying yes when you feel like saying no. Just be honest with yourself and to others! It’s refreshing! Below are five reasons why you must quit the toxic behavior of people pleasing.

1)  You’re enabling shitty behavior and allowing people to suffer more

The reason why most of us “people please” in the first place is because we want people to be happy, and enjoy their lives. The act of people pleasing does the opposite for everyone. In the long run and it does nothing for you or the people you’re trying to please. Next, to every drug addict, money addict, hoarder, or anyone who has an addiction, you will find a group of enablers who help maintain the addiction. If they want to help the addict heal, the enablers must quit the non-productive habit, and create an environment that supports truth and change. Once we realize that people pleasing is not a successful habit, it becomes easier to stop the destructive  behavior and start honoring our truth.

2)  You’re giving your power away

When you allow other people to control your actions, it gives your ultimate power away; choice. The reason you do something should only be determined by your instincts, and what your own unique drum is telling you to do. Acting as if nobody is looking, is the key to freedom. We must be what we want to be; not what our wife, kids, parents, nephews, nieces, or friends want us to be. Sometimes this won’t please everyone, but it will please the only one that matters, you. Stop giving your power away!

3)  You become a magnet for Energy Vampires

These types of people cross boundaries and use guilt and all sorts of other persuasion methods to leach off of your resources, energy, and time. The energy of people pleasing is on the same frequency as energy vampires; a very low vibrating energy. By people pleasing, you’re saying that you want to be surrounded by energy vampires.

4)  You will attract additional criticism

It’s important to remember that nothing is personal and criticism is inevitable, but more importantly, the energy of people pleasing attracts what people pleasers fear the most: criticism and disagreement. It’s a paradox. By people pleasing, you’re attracting people to attack you in the long run. If you want to have less criticism, start doing less people pleasing, and begin expressing yourself fully from a loving powerful space.

5)  Your unique and honest perspective is priceless

If you hold back at all on how you see the world, you will deny everyone the one in a trillion perspective, that can only be experienced through you living your truth, and allowing others to be a part of it. For some people, it will be the only taste of truth sauce for their day. Authenticity is refreshing and energizing. People will thank you, at least later, for telling them the truth.

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