What is the Negative Side of Your Gift?
Have you ever felt like your greatest gift is actually a curse? If I don’t have enough “alone time” or time to process everything I’ve been experiencing or learning, then I have zero social tolerance. Sometimes I still get nervous before I enter a building with a big group of people, due to the overwhelming amount of energy. I’ve learned over the years what my strength is and it was found underneath my greatest pain.
I am a master at feeling and reading people’s energy. My empathic ability allows me to meet my client where they are energetically speaking, access intuitive insights, and help them tune into their own energy bringing massive clarity. This same gift caused me so much pain throughout most of my life. The pain came in the form of anxiety and confusion. I would have constant anxiety, especially inside of buildings.
Years later, I realized I was absorbing the people’s energy around me and began to learn ways to close myself off and distinguish the difference between my energy and other people’s energy. It’s important to remember that we are energy generators and receivers and we have the ability to shut each station on or off, at will.
My confusion came from the lack of knowledge and a total misuse of my abilities. I was not aware that a human, let alone myself, could feel other people’s emotional states, and access intuitive information from other dimensions. They never taught me about this in school or throughout my years studying to become a teacher at The University of South Florida.
What are some of the negative sides of your gift?
What is the number one source of pain in your life right now? Is it attached to one of your gifts or skills? Take time right now to write down your top 3 things that cause stress or emotional pain. For example, my anxiety that used to occur when I was inside of a building surrounded by people. See if you can extract gold from some of the stressors in your life, in a similar way that I did with my inability to distinguish the difference between my energy and other people’s emotions.
As I began to develop my intuitive abilities and use my empathic nature in a more skillful way, my entire life transformed. I began to see my past in an entire new light. Instead of feeling bad about my past inabilities to control my anxiety or remain inside of a building too long without needing to go outside. I now feel liberated by it all because it is exactly one of the main skills that I use throughout every area of my life. What is something that caused you pain, and is now an asset for your life?
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