Myth: If You’re An Introvert, You Cannot Be a Leader Or a Public Figure
Being an introvert or extrovert has zero to do with being a great leader or public figure in your field. It’s simple...
Introverts mostly recharge in their alone time. Extroverts mostly recharge from other people. Everybody needs alone time, self-care, and a certain amount of time spent socializing, in order to feel fully energized and emotionally balanced. Everyones needs are different, and it is up to you to find out the exact combination of alone time, self-care, and socializing your body and soul requires.
If this area is out of balance in your life, you will feel drained, lethargic, and have low energy. Too much time spent socializing and not enough time spent performing self-care actions and recharging in solitary will lead you to being energetically drained. Spending too much time alone, having poor self care habits, or the lack of high quality social activities will lead to poor emotional and physical health as well.
What do You do if You Get Out of Balance and Fall Off Track?
The main question you should focus on here is “How can you take care of your thoughts, body, and entire being more effectively” (a.k.a self-care)? What meditations or books can you use to improve your thought life? What new exercises or stretches can you implement into your daily routine to improve your body? What passions or hobbies could you participate in that will attract more joy into your life? The healthier you become physically, the healthier you are able to become emotionally. Focus on making progress in each area of self-care and socialization.
Continue to modify your daily habits until you find the right combination that works for you. When you do find the most effective balance for you, it will cause you to have an abundance of energy for leading people and/or becoming a public figure in your chosen industry. If you know yourself and what it takes to fill your own cup, so that you can lead and create the energetic space for growth, YOU can be a great leader or public figure.
Where is there Proof Introverts can be Leaders and Public Figures?
There are “introverts” leading in every industry or field imaginable. Just to name a few well known introverted leaders: Barack Obama, Warren Buffett, Lady Gaga, Stephen Spielberg, Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Micheal Jordan, Mahatma Ghandi, and Elon Musk are on the list, amongst many more. Start to do your own research in the specific industry you’re interested in. You will begin finding introverted leaders throughout your industry doing exactly what you’re desiring to do. Your research will work as proof to your subconscious mind that it is possible for you to do the same, as well. Be an evidence finder of possibility, hope, and inspiration. The more proof you find that shows it’s possible for you to live from that spark inside of yourself, the more likely you will actually allow it to manifest. You’ll feel less resistant towards the possibility, enabling it to come to form.
I know this personally because I used to let the fear of being “introverted” stop me from pursing my inner spark. That is until I begin actually studying “successful” people, from every field imaginable, and started to realize that there were a variety of personality types, needs, and processes to generating inner and outer wealth. Everyone ends up creating their own unique way of recharging their energy and leading on.
Introvert or extrovert has nothing to do with being a great leader or making an impact before you die. What does matter, is your ability to apply daily rituals and a specific combination that enables you to recharge your batteries and lead, even if you are an introvert.
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