3 Things I Learned Living With a Psychic Medium


How did I begin living with a Psychic Medium?

Here’s how it all started. Before December 2010, I gave little thought to the after life and communicating with passed love ones. Immediately after December 6th 2010, the after life began communicating with me, and literally pouring information into my life (I’ll explain more in the next section). On December 6, 2010 I received a phone call from Lindsay Marino that shifted my life. The moment we got off the phone I knew I had to be with her and I knew I had to move to Tampa, Fl. The feelings, visions, and guidance were mutual and things began to happen very quickly and effortlessly. The interesting thing is back in 2008 when I first discovered the law of attraction and vibration, I immediately began visualizing myself walking by the ocean every single night before I went to sleep. Thankfully, I’ve been an ocean magnet ever since. It’s interesting how life mysteriously places everything in front of you in those rare and cornerstone quantum moments. Let’s fast forward to the present moment, I’ve been living with my wife Lindsay for 7 1/2 years. She is now an International Psychic Medium, but back in 2010 she worked as a 3rd grade teacher. After 8 years as an employee, and due to such high demand in her then “side business”, she began running her psychic mediumship and education business full time in June of 2014.

How did she discover her ability?

I know Lindsay through my childhood friend Nick. In 2007, Lindsay and Nick were in love and living in Tampa, Fl, planning their bright futures together. Nick was almost finished with School at the University of Tampa and Lindsay was about to begin her first week teaching at her first full time teaching position. Unfortunately, in August of 2007, Nick was in a tragic motorcycle accident. Immediately after Nick passed away, Lindsay began receiving signs from him and signs from other peoples passed love ones. She continues to give readings every single week to this day, in hopes of bringing healing messages and connection for other people. (See Lindsay’s Full Story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eyUiYMr58E.)

  During the process of writing a book  about her experience Lindsay felt a strong urge to call me over the phone. At that point we were only connected to each other through being friends on Facebook. I've never met her in person and I hardly knew of her because my friend Nick and I hadn’t caught up in the recent 2 years before his passing. A long story short, right after I began talking over the phone with Lindsay on December 6, 2010 I immediately began receiving signs from Nick and others from the other side. I would feel their presence while being nudged on my leg and back, and being directed towards hearts and smiley face shapes everywhere! I would find the shapes in my food, beverages, chips on buildings, and everywhere possible. I immediately knew that Nick along with a few others helped to create the magnetic pull that brought Lindsay and I together. It was as if being linked up and connected to Lindsay immediately sparked something within myself while opening a part of me that was never open before hand.

The signs you’ve received throughout your life, most likely have come through as strong feelings, nudges, imagery, road signs, vivid detailed dreams, messages from other people or conversations, and from an inner knowing that can’t be taught and only felt. This healing magical ability has continued to grow stronger each day, month, and year since the day I began communicating with my wife Lindsay.  I’ve been living with her since August 2011 (married since May 2015) and have learned so much from such a unique soul. Below I’ll share 3 key ideas that have transformed my intuition, open-mindedness, psychic mediumship development, and overall awareness level.

The 3 Things I Learned From Living With My Wife Lindsay For The Last 7+ Years.

1.) Psychics are “normal” people who are using more senses.  My wife Lindsay is a normal down to earth person who had tragedy strike and open up her ability to communicate with passed love ones. If you start to read and learn about the stories of “Psychic Mediums” you will begin to see that most of them found their greatest gift in some of their darkest moments. Others found their gift in some of their brightest moments, like myself. I never wanted to be a “psychic” or a “medium” it just happened. One thing I will not do is suppress my truth. I want to share my experience with as many people as possible in hopes to raise educational awareness around mindset, intuition, psychic, and mediumship development. The word psychic has a stigma around it. I can see the day when communicating telepathically or communicating with passed love ones is the norm.

2.) Everyone has psychic potential. Having conversation after conversation with people over what my wife does and questions about intuition, I’ve realized that most people can recall several moments in their life, when they knew that they knew that they knew. I mean your instinct was on fire and in the end, it was correct.  You felt the truth inside of your bones. That’s your inner psychic showing its genius. You have it. Everybody has it. Like anything in life, the more you practice, use it, and work at something the better you will become at it. Fifty percent of the battle is knowing and accepting that you have a strong instinct inside of you that knows everything and is waiting for your attention. We can call it an infinite intelligence or whatever you desire to. You can tap into your psychic potential or mediumship potential, and awaken a new level of awareness. It’s a choice. It’s not scary or demonic or “bad” it’s just using another innate human sense. To me using my psychic and mediumship ability brings nothing but joy, peace, connection, and fulfillment. It does take practice and discipline to direct your abilities to create joy, peace, connection, and fulfillment. That’s why education and mentors around the topics do exist.

I have wanted to “master my mind” so I can master my life ever since I picked up the books “Rich Dad Poor Dad” in 2006 , “Think and Grow Rich” in 2007, and “The Secret” in 2008. I look at using my intuition, psychic ability, and communicating with passed love ones, as an example of a human using more of his or her potential. My only goal in life is to keep using more of my potential, expanding my awareness level, and helping others do the same. If K-12 education taught about the faculties of the mind, intuition would be on top of the list for the most valuable faculty in terms of survival and a resource for success in life. A highly developed intuition leads to firm quick decisions, increased psychic abilities, and increased creativity. It’s possible and safe to develop a strong intuition and even communicate with passed love ones if you desire to do so.

3.) Just Being in the Presence of Other highly developed empaths and psychic mediums, will Increase Your Abilities. 

Just being around somebody who is highly intuitive or  a psychic medium will help develop your abilities. I literally developed the majority of my intuitive and mediumship abilities, just by being in the energy and presence of my wife and sometimes other excellent Psychic Mediums as well. Im consistently around Lindsay while she is giving readings to others and sometimes myself. Im continually being exposed to the higher levels of frequencies. The old cliche: you become who you surround yourself with or birds of a feather flock together is true at the deepest mathematical and scientific levels. You literally energetically become who you consistently surround yourself with. My mind was literally transformed, psychically speaking, by being surrounded by my wife and other excellent psychic mediums. I had no choice. It was never my desire to be a psychic medium, it just happened.

In Napoleon Hills book “Think and Grow Rich” , he refers to a mastermind as “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.” When we work in harmony with somebody else with an end purpose, it creates magic and manifestation happens very quick. when 2 or more minds come together it creates a third intangible mind. This mind begins pouring ideas and new thoughts Into the consciousness of the 2 or more minds present. It is an unconscious act, meaning just by being in the presence of somebody on a higher frequency, you absorb some of their energy. If their energy is higher quality than yours, it will begin to bring your energy and frequency up higher. He referred to brains as like batteries. The more batteries, the more power they can generate.

Be intentional with who you share your energy with. Join programs, support groups, and attend workshops/events that will assist you in developing your own abilities. It is a gift to be in the presence of a genuine psychic medium. The energy of the room shifts and you can feel the higher frequency take over. Every time I attend or work at my wife’s Messages from heaven events (in person events with 50+ people), I feel like I receive a healing. Although, obviously I never receive readings from Lindsay. Just the energy of the room alone is enough to impact my entire being and awaken my natural instincts. It doesn’t matter what city we are in, the same result occurs every time.

Being an empath, you can feel the truth of somebody. If you’re around a psychic medium, your vibration will be raised at the fastest possible rate.  Working and being around people that you resonate with and that know how to quickly take you to where you want to go is priceless. I am lucky enough to live with and be married to a beautiful soul who is constantly expanding her mind and helping me to do the same. If you’re not lucky enough to be married to a well polished psychic medium or empath, search for them on internet land; they’re everywhere.

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Tony Mitchell