Why Every Empath Must Have A Morning Routine

Empaths can feel everybody’s emotions at their work place, house, and everywhere they go. It is an incredible ability and can be a highly valuable skill for your life. This gift can also be a double edge sword if you don’t have daily disciplines that help you manage your energy. The world is filled with so much busy, stressful, negative, and overall fearful energies that can and will seep into your life if you don’t have intentional daily rituals. Your rituals are the pillars that help you build up an energetic armor that nothing or no one can get through. Not even yourself!

The most powerful ritual or habit that can transform your day and life, is consistently implementing a positive routine at the beginning of your day. Having a positive morning routine means something different to everybody. Some people are not morning people so we can also call this a positive routine to start your new day.

Right after you wake up, you are closest to source. Your mind is relaxed, your intuition is sharpened, and you are at one of your most vulnerable points of the day (the other is right before you fall asleep). This can be a great or disastrous thing depending on how you use your time. If you’re like most people, you stumble out of bed and watch shootings, killings, and mostly negative news on your local channel. Or you’re like how I used to be and wake up 10 minutes before you have to leave the house. Rush, rush, rush, and more chaotic energy to start your day and set the tone. It didn’t work for me at all, which is why I intentionally adopted a ritual that does work for myself and millions of others.

Your subconscious mind is easily impacted during the first hour, that you are awake. When we impact our subconscious mind, we make conscious contact with God and changes happen effortlessly. It is crucial to capitalize on these magical moments if you want to create the most harmonious exponential growth possible. As an empath it is crucial to set your own tone and understand where you are emotionally before you begin your day. If you don’t do this, how are you suppose to know if what you’re feeling throughout the day are your emotions or the emotions of your colleagues, customers, children, and everyone you come into contact with throughout the day?

What does a positive morning routine consist of?

Behind every happy, peaceful, content, and fulfilled person is a set of disciplines or habitual actions that drive their energy and life into positive momentum. After studying all sorts of “successful” individuals from every industry you can imagine, and experimenting with my own life, I discovered 3 major pillars that must be covered at the beginning of your day: Connection, Body Awareness, and Mindset development.

  1. Connection

    I’m referring to connecting with source, yourself, and other people. As humans, we thrive on connection and creating positive connections with everything possible. Everybody feels better after reconnecting to themselves, other people, or those bewildering moments we feel connected to God/The Universe/Source. One way we can connect with ourselves and God/The Universe is by doing some form of mediation. You can use transcendental meditation, use five minutes to meditate on what you are grateful for, or making up your own unique way to center yourself. We can connect with other people by doing part or all of our morning routine with them. This will also keep you accountable in following through with your morning routine and especially with staying consistent with number 2 below. All three pillars of the routine, to start your day, interconnect and support each other.

  2. Body Awareness

    This is the part that the majority of people have trouble with; exercising in the morning, or at the beginning of their day. But, I believe that it is crucial to do some type of movement in the morning to get your juices flowing, wake up your body, and build up an energetic wall that that works as a repeller of negative energies and an attractor of higher frequencies. In addition, I would suggest stretching and using a foam roller for 30 minutes for every hour that you exercise. Even if you only make enough time to do a 45 minute workout and stretch for 20 minutes, the compound effect will take over throughout time. Just stay CONSISTENT!

    Higher frequencies always out weigh lower frequencies. If you turn on a light, the higher frequency (light), overpowers darkness. When you get your blood flowing through moving your body, you will begin to generate higher frequencies. The higher frequencies will drive your day and your life if you don’t allow your thought life to be stale. That is why number 3 is covering mindset development.

  3. Mindset Development

    One pillar of your life that will derail everything else, if you don’t get it right, is learning the artful skill of thinking intelligently. Using our thoughts to focus on what we want to create and generating the energy that attracts it and makes it so, is one of the most valuable skills you will ever develop.. As empaths we fall into overanalyzing everything, tapping into how others feel about us (because we’re psychic AF), and simply using our thought and life energies inefficiently. That is why I suggest to implement mindset development at the start of your day. This includes reading or watching education videos that teach you how to think effectively and why it is crucial to do so. We must go to “church” every single day. It’s easy to become reactive throughout the day and forget how to use our thoughts and energies most effectively so that we create overall well being in our lives and handle the overload of energies that us empaths channel throughout the day.

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Tony Mitchell